*ngIf is a simple directive without much complexity. This asterisk notation or microsyntax (in Angular terms) is very useful incase complex structural directives like*ngFor. Take a look at the below example ({{i}}) {{task.name}}<ng-templatengForlet-task[ngForOf]="tasks"let-i="index"let...
In this guide, we will learn what isng-templateandTemplateRef. We also learn how it works and how Angular makes use of them in various directives likengIf,ngFor&ngSwitchetc. We can useng-template with ngTemplateOutlet to display the dynamic templates, which is a separate tutorial. Table of...
<ng-container[ngSwitch]="mode"><ng-container*ngSwitchCase="'card'"><ng-container*ngFor="let item of items"><ng-container*ngTemplateOutlet="cardItemTemplate"></ng-container></ng-container></ng-container><ng-container*ngTemplateOutlet="listItemTemplate"></ng-container></ng-container> Copy ...
Angular'sthis.http.post methodseamlessly integrates withFormData, streamlining the file upload process. To ensure the request is sent, we call thesubscribemethod on theupload$observable. The$(dollar) suffix is a convention used for observables in Angular. For further information on Angular's HTTP ...
Just install Bootstrap and add references to the angular application. Before adding any new class, check the effect of Bootstrap with the below screen print. Now, let’s add a bootstrap class and see how it works. Step 7. Check the Screen reflects changes. app.component.html <!DOCTYPE ...
Within Angular, that mechanism is called “routing,” and it’s the responsibility of the Angular Router. (And you, of course.) Routing Fundamentals To better grasp how routing works, let’s assume a standard master-detail style of application: The first page will disp...
import{Component,FORM_DIRECTIVES,NgFor,Inject}from'angular2/angular2';import{RouteParams}from'angular2/router';interfaceTestObject{name:string;value:number;}@Component({selector:'app',template:`Select String{{o}}Select Object via 2-way binding{{o.name}}Select Object via event...
Steps to Implement asleep()Function in Angular Let’s look at the steps to implement the Angularsleep()function in TypeScript. But before that, we need to import the RxJS library. This library is essential, and it has many functions that we can use in our application. ...
imgWidth; return 30/percent; //30 works fine when the width is 640. Scale it if the image has a different width } Make the rectangle as selected if the mouse is down or it is touched. The selected one will have a larger stroke width. selectedIndex: number = -1; usingTouchEvent:...
Scrum Team – The Scrum Team works in collaboration with the Product Owner and Scrum Master to plan how much of the project they can complete in each iteration. In-Demand Software Development Skills JavaScript Courses Core Java Courses Data Structures Courses Node.js Courses SQL Courses Full ...