"How NASA Builds Teams" explains how the 4-D teambuilding process can be applied in any organization, and includes a fast, free on-line behavioral assessment to help your team and the individual members understand each other and measure the key driver of team performance, the social context....
How NASA Builds Teams - 习书C1-C2 NASA如何建立团队 O(Objective:事实) NASA花费了17亿美元发射的哈勃望远镜竟然出现球面像差。大型透镜在中心和边缘各点上的曲率必须经过精确计算,否则光线无法汇聚在同一点上,这是制造大型望远镜的基本常识,更何况NASA拥有世界上最伟大的科学家团队。不管是NASA的科学家们,还是专业...
You can master everything in How NASA Builds Teams described so far and find yourself unable to take action unless you are in the mindset of response-ability. What takes us out of this state? We lose our capacity to respond by entering one of the four drama states: rescuer, blame...
O(Objective:事实) 4D系统的有效性 基于198个NASA团队的TDA测评分数,分数是逐渐提高的。 对马歇尔中心的投入双倍精力,发现评估分数也翻倍,可以证明确实是4D系统改变了全体人员的行为。 行为的改变引发了绩效的提升。 4D系统介绍 卡尔·荣格:决策和收集信息方面的倾向是天生的、与生俱来的天性。 逻辑: 情感 = 5 :...
How NASA Builds Teams: Mission Critical Soft Skills for Scientists, Engineers, and Project Teamssocial capitalnonprofit organizationscivic engagementsocial constructivismnetworkingICTcounty commissionersIncludes bibliographical references and indexdoi:10.1016/j.spacepol.2009.11.009Mirela Schwarz...
Credit: NASA, Joseph Olmsted (STScI) The gargantuan collision of two neutron stars detected with gravitational waves in 2017 sparked one of the largest collective efforts in astronomy, as more than 70 teams scrambled to study its aftermath. Now researchers have devised a machine-learning technique ...
GanttPRO is a world-renowned Gantt chart-sed PM tool used by teams at NASA, Salesforce, Vodafone, Intel, Booking.com, and more. The software is loved, among all other things, by its short learning curve and attractive interface. Features of GanttPRO include: Flexible project views, includin...
Photo courtesy NASA In its nearly 30-year history, the space shuttle program has seen exhilarating highs and devastating lows. The fleet has taken astronauts on dozens of successful missions, resulting in immeasurable scientific gains. But this success has had a serious cost. In 1986, the ...
ProjectManager is award-winning project management software that organizes work to keep you productive from kickoff meetings to project closure. Join the tens of thousands of teams that are already using our software at organizations as diverse as NASA, Siemens and Nestle.Try ProjectManager today for...
This study was funded by NASA, which is interested in the possibility of life on other planets and how it might survive. While the deep sea couldn’t be further from extraterrestrial planets, both environments share similarities such as cold temperatures, darkness, and in many locations, no oxy...