fall of 2014, and while its entry on Certain Glass Wool Fibers (Inhalable) states that they are “reasonably anticipated to be human carcinogens,” it also goes on to say that there is so much variation in production that full assessments must be made on a case-by-case basis [source: ...
"Water is key because almost everywhere we find water on Earth we find life," NASA's web site points out. "If Mars once had liquid water, or still does today, it's compelling to ask whether any microscopic life forms could have developed on its surface." The first missions to Mars ...
Tornadoes are among the most dangerous storms on Earth and, as meteorologists strive to protect vulnerable populations through early warning, it helps to classify storms by severity and potential damage. Originally, we rated tornadoes on the Fujita Scale, named for its inventor, University of Chicago...
"The Martian frontier is going to amplify this to a much greater degree," he added. Areas ripe for potential Red Planet innovation include robotics and agriculture, Zubrin said. And if indigenous life on Mars is ever discovered, its genome could be incredibly valuable, both scientifically and ...
While we like to imagine little green men, it's far more likely that life on other planets will be microbial. Planetary scientist Nathalie Cabrol takes us inside the search for microbes on Mars, a hunt which counterintuitively leads us to the remote lake
And where there is liquid water, there is the potential for life to have existed. What might life on Mars have looked like? Meet NASA's Katie Stack Morgan, Mars 2020 Deputy Proj. Scientist—Behind the Spacecraft Live Q&A Researchers are careful to emphasize th...
"The best radiation protection material is hydrogen, or water, which is rich in hydrogen," Drake said. On the surface of Mars, NASA envisions that cargo deployed ahead of time can produce water before the crew arrives to use as a shield during the crew's stay there. On the way to ...
The problem cleared up as soon as the plant started getting water with a neutral pH. This nutrient deficiency (yellow/brown patches on leaves) is caused because the pH was too low in the soil Managing pH is one of the more technical details that pretty much ALL growers have to deal with...
It also has the potential to improve sustainability—specifically in the realm of water management. Knowing how soils retain moisture can help viticulturists more precisely determine the correct amount of water to deliver each vine. “Irrigation in vineyards with clay soil is different from those ...
Space farming studies the effects of microgravity on plant growth, focusing on how plants orient roots and stems with reduced gravity, which is crucial for potential farming on the moon or Mars. In space, efficient use of energy is vital, so researchers use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to mi...