How Much to Budget for Groceries Coming up with saving strategies to keep your grocery bill lower is a necessity, but how much of your budget should you spend in the first place? According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's most recent figures, in 2023, U.S. consum...
Actor Paul Gleason, well-known for a similar curmudgeonly role in 1985’s The Breakfast Club, bears much of the brunt. As he callously shouts at police officer Powell (Reginald VelJohnson), he also frets at the mayor’s reaction to the handling of the situation with repeated ‘the mayor ...
Bad sparkplugs can decrease the fuel economy of a vehicle by as much as 30% and cost drivers as much as 94 cents a gallon. If you’ve found that your car’s gas mileage isn’t what it once was, you may want to make sure your spark plugs are doing their job. Cut back on premiu...
Highways can be packed much more densely with cars when they have autopilots like airplanes and ships. Similar disruptions are roiling businesses from oil and gas to power and water to agriculture, transportation, buildings, and even healthcare. Resource Revolution...
For investors fretting about which candidate will win in November, history suggests that for certain scenarios it likely won't matter much for the market. Since 1933,the S&P 500 has averaged a 12.9% annual return when Republicans controlled both the White House and Congress and a 9% annual re...
Much of Kennedy's clatter was television: cameras, producers, correspondents. They turned out to be the most important thing about his campaign. On TV, families like the Lusters awakened the nation's conscience to poverty in the midst of plenty. Kennedy pledged: "If I'm nominated and electe...
What must be included in a memorandum of understanding? Are MOUs legally binding? What is a memorandum of understanding? A memorandum of understanding (MOU) is valuable for establishing mutual agreements between parties. It clearly outlines how parties will work together and define responsibilities and...
The things we can't see frighten us as much as the things we can see, so the Reaper hides within the shadows of his cloak, playing off our fears of the unknown. Scythe. In early renderings, the Reaper is shown holding arrows, darts, spears or crossbows. These are the weapons he ...
In a mock commercial parodying Lark cigarettes, a truck rolls through town asking people to show their guns. A home security system installer breaks into a couple's home and scares them to death to demonstrate how much they need an alarm installed. Finally, another mock commercial presents 3...
Our conversation inevitably ended with, “You know, your mom and dad were the first people to have us in their home when we came to Furman!” As much as this was a source of pride for my parents, it was an even greater feather in their cap that Mrs. Johns recalled and recanted that...