- 可数VS不可数:这是最本质的区别。可数名词有明确的个体,可以一一列举,如apples(苹果)、books(书);而不可数名词则没有明确的界限,通常表示抽象概念或物质,如water(水)、information(信息)。掌握这一点,是区分“how many”与“how much”的关键。- 语境运用:在实际交流中,选择合适的疑问词还需考虑...
一个视频让你立刻明白 (how many vs how much, fewer vs less) | EZH0040英语英雄EZH 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多8836 3 0:41 App 一个口诀搞定英语中所有不可数名词 7133 -- 0:22 App 不可数名词记忆口诀 5075 -- 0:21 App 【雪梨英语】不可数名词的记忆口诀!【建议收藏】 ...
“how much”和“how many”均用于询问数量,但适用场景和语法规则不同。前者针对不可数名词或抽象概念,后者则用于可数名词的复数
- How many books do you have? - 中文翻译:你有多少本书? - How much vs. How many (价格): - How much is the pizza? - 中文翻译:披萨多少钱? - How many pizzas are there? - 中文翻译:有多少披萨? 总结来说,How much 用于不可数名词,不涉及单数和复数;而 How many 用于可数名词复数。本文...
(how much) ? 2. We have got five kilos of cherries. (how many) ? 3. Bill has got three bottles of fruit juice in the fridge. (how many) ? 4. Andrew has got two pockets on his jacket. (how many) ? 5. There are forty teachers in the teachers’ room. (how many) ?
1. How many days are there in a week?一周有几天? 2. How many people are there in your family?你家有几个人? 记忆法宝:How many+复数名词+一般疑问句语序+问号 我是How much,既可用来修饰不可数名词,询问物体的数量。如: 1. How much milk is there in the glass?玻璃杯里有多少牛奶? 2. Ho...
在英语中,"how much"和"how many"的使用差异主要体现在它们所修饰的名词类型上。具体来说:"How much"用于不可数名词(uncountable noun),表示数量或程度。例如:"How much did you pay for the car?"(你买这辆车花了多少钱?)。"How many"则用来修饰可数名词的复数形式,通常与一般疑问句一起使用,如...
在英语中,how many和how much都可以用来表示数量的多少不少同学由于对how many和how much的用法混淆不清,导致出错.对此,笔者做了如下归纳,以期能够帮助同学们准确理解.how many和how much的区别how many,意为"多少",通常用于询问事物或人的具体数量,后面往往紧跟可数名词的复数形式.故在对there be句型提问时,其be...
How Much They are both used to ask for the quantity but usually “how many” is used for things that you can count easily or physically Example: How many apples should I buy? Vs. How much sugar should I put? We can’t really count sugar cause it is too s
1. "How Many...?" vs "How Much...?" 当涉及到不可数名词时,我们使用"How Much"来询问数量或程度。下面是一些例子: - How many cups of coffee did you drink this morning?(可数名词) - How much water is in the bottle?(不可数名词) 2. "How Many...?" vs "How Often...?" 当询问频率...