You may even want to take daily supplements. It is important that you eat a diet rich in calcium, vitamin D3, vitamin K2, magnesium, and phosphorus. Try to incorporate additional raw and cooked vegetables, raw dairy, fruit, and animal protein in your diet. Consider taking a vitamin D ...
Vitamin K is also found in fermented foods like sauerkraut, fermented foods, and soybean products like natto are the best to consume. There are two forms of vitamin K: phylloquinone (also called vitamin K1) and menaquinone (also called vitamin K2). Both forms of vitamin K are important for...
I deeply craved sunlight during those first few months, which I believe was related to a need for more vitamin D. It was a miserable time, and it had long lasting effects. Katie’s baby teeth, which formed around the second month in utero, were very weak and porous. Fortunately, her ...
To really improve our bone health, we have to look beyond calcium as an isolated nutrient. It’s important to understand that many nutrients influence and regulate calcium metabolism. The most important are vitamin D, vitamin K2, magnesium, silica, and collagen.Vitamin Dincreases calcium absorption...
They’re also rich in bone-healthy nutrients, including vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium. Just one medium-sized pomegranate provides 666 mg of potassium. So look out for this berry in the produce aisle. If you can’t find fresh pomegranates, you can also buy ready-to-eat seeds in ...
It’s also high invitamin K. In fact, the Department of Public Healthreportsthat it contains 100 times more vitamin K2 than cheese. Vitamin K2 isconsidereda key component in maintaining the bone mineral density of postmenopausal women suffering from osteoporosis. Natto is one of the few plant-...
Vitamin K2: This sucker is hard to come by if you’re a vegan. The best source is natto, a type of fermented soy product. But if you’re dedicated to raw or can’t stomach globs of chunky, slimy beans (I guess it’s an acquired taste), the only other edible options are hard ch...
Rhonda has a grass fed fillet steak a few times per month, which is a good source of vitamin B12, Iron, and Zinc. Around 16% of all menstruating women are actually iron deficient. For the vegetarians out there… it has been recommended to take in around twice the RDA for iron, since...
Resistance training also helps, but perhaps not as much as reduced sitting time. Obese sedentary women raised HDL by 15% following a 9-week, 3 times per week resistance training protocol. [6] Overall, the most effective way to raise is HDL through activity is simply to reduce the daily ti...
Many people takevitamin D3 and vitamin K2together. This is because they help to optimize the proper delivery of calcium. More specifically,vitamin D3(the most popular form of vitamin D) leads the absorption of calcium from your intestines into the blood. Andvitamin K2then directs the calcium...