Currency exchange fees vary so much that credit card fees may be less than the fees paid through adjusted exchange rates. Currency exchanges make money through fees and thebid-ask spread. A currency exchange is different from theforex market, where currencies are traded. ...
It can be particularly challenging to determine whether you should use multiplication or division. A straightforward way of thinking about it is this: if the dollar is worth more than the peso (as is usually the case for all countries that use it) and you're converting dollars to pesos, yo...
Therefore, a retired couple both in their 60s would pay about $37,000 Mexican pesos per year for IMSS insurance coverage in Mexico. (Equivalent to this many US dollars.) Preexisting conditions Some preexisting conditions are not covered and these include malignant tumors, congenital diseases, chr...
If you post and sell it in a classified ads website and you've sold out 10 pieces of the same cellphone unit in 1 month, how much is your total profit? 10,000pesos right? You can earn 10,000pesos in a month just by posting an ad using only 20minutes of your...
5 dollars to pesos Get the time Wanting to call an old friend in Iceland but worried about waking him up? Search for: time Iceland Get public data Looking for a job in Des Moines, Iowa? Use Google Power Search to quickly get demographic information by typing in terms like “unemploymentra...
overall i think its a good choice, its one i didnt consider for my recent case swap because my budget was much bigger than yours and i wanted a case that would have a chance last me the rest of my life. i went with the corsair obsidian 1000D super tower. a case that is way out...
I was stunned. I thought back to everything that happened. Her car wasn’t worth 32,000 Pesos, let alone 32,000 US Dollars. The woman on the other end of the line told me that the property damage was minimal, but it was the disability and health care that cost so much. ...
the official currency, you’ll find that many retailers in more touristy destinations are happy to accept US dollars as well. However, the exchange rates applied will never be good, so you’ll need toopen a Mexican bank accountand get used to using Mexican Pesos when you retire in Mexico....