文章第一段就提到Psychologists have found that how much people smile in old photos can predict their later success in marriage(心理学家已经发现人们在照相时的笑容与他们日后的婚姻成功与否有关系),接着第二段就对研究人员做的两组实验进行了详细的描述。由此看来研究人员的目的是想找出微笑是否与婚姻的成败...
For Psychologists, How Much Training Is Enough? (Foundation for Prescribing)SAN FRANCISCO - The main argument made by psychiatrists against granting prescriptive authority to psychologists is that psychologists lac the medical training needed to prescribe drugs safely and effectively.Boschert, Sherry...
Clinical psychologists study ethics, statistics, biology and more, as well as complete year-long internships, according to the APA. Additionally, aspiring psychologists must pass a national examination, which is specific to each state. Some states permit psychologists to prescribe medication, in which...
七选五 How much time do you spend doing research before you make a decision? There are people who go over every detail exhaustively before making a choice. Psychologists call this way of thinking a cognitive bias (认知偏见), a tendency toward a specific mental mistake....
Maybe you're motivated to hit the gym for the first couple of weeks of the year, but by February you've already forgotten where you put your ID card.可能在年初的头几个星期去健身房很来劲,但2月份就忘记会员卡放哪了。As frustrating as that can be, psychologists do have some insights into...
___ , there have been some critics of this year’s pick, saying that the color of Viva Magenta technically doesn’t exist, as there is no specific wavelength of light that ___ to this color. Actually, Pantone created a new ___ . Viva Magenta is much ___ a color. I’s an idea...
A bell curve Image Used under the GNU Free Documentation License Like genius, intelligence can be difficult to quantify. Psychologists and neuroscientists study intelligence extensively. An entire field of study, known as psychometrics, is devoted to studying and measuring intelligence. But even withi...
According to pet psychics, electromagnetic energy surrounds and penetrates everything in the universe, much like the force in "Star Wars." This energy is part of the radio spectrum, but scientists haven't figured out how to detect it. Pet psychics can use energy to contact animals, no matter...
1. According to myfigures, we’ve actually made a profit this year. 2. You can’t afford to pay for us both so let’ssplit the bill. 3. I’vecalculatedhow much you owe me for the shopping – it’s 20 pounds! 4. Cli...
While it is still possible to help an older child with reading, those beyond third grade require much more intensive help.The longer you wait to get help for a child with reading difficulties, the harder it will be for that child to catch up. If help is given in fourth grade (rather ...