Be sure you clearly understand what you’re getting when you open your account. Often you’ll have the choice over whether to get a savings account or not. If you’re not going to be in the United States for a long period, it usually doesn’t make much sense to open a savings ...
What are the required documents to open a US bank account? Before 9/11, pretty much anyone could walk into a branch and open a bank account. But the world is a much different place now, especially in terms of banking. Concerns over terrorism funding and money laundering prompted the gove...
Sometimes, banks offer different tiers of savings accounts, with each level requiring a certain minimum balance. In this case, your choice at a particular bank may be limited to the account, or tier, you qualify for. It’s often convenient to open a savings account at the same bank, if ...
Before I dive into the “how-to” of opening a bank account in China, I first want to cover a few reasons not to open one. You Don’t Live in China. If you’re just traveling through China as opposed to actually moving to China or doing business here, taking the time to open a ...
Additionally, at some stores and restaurants, you may not be able to pay with a credit card. Having a local bank account means your money is available when you need it. Budget: It is much easier to keep track of your income and spending with a local bank account, especially when you...
on the account you'd like to open, it's time to submit all your information. Depending on the account you choose, you may have the option to submit your application online. Otherwise, you'll probably just need to hand over your documentation to a bank representative at an in-person ...
1.You need to bring your (identity) card to open a bank account(账户).2.How come you know so much about the latest technology?I read the technology updates (最新信息) of every newspaper I set my eyes on.3.I’m planning to live near the public (公共的) library so that I can make...
Learn how non-residents can open a bank account in the United States, the benefits of doing so and other banking services that can be of use.
Path 1: US Big Banks Ken Teegardin (CC BY 2.0, modified) The first and most obvious way to open a US bank account as a non-resident is to open an account with a big-name US bank. This route requires residence in the US (even if your primary residence is abroad) and sometimes (al...
Research your options to pick the right bank and account for your needs.Different banks, different features: Rates, fees, and regulations vary greatly between banks. You can compare them with a quick Internet search.Tip: Consider an online bank. Online banks typically offer much higher interest ...