It's often the little things that are huge time wasters, and often we don't know it. Try our fun calculator to find out how much time you waste each year!
Use the age calculator to calculate exactly how old you are in years, months, weeks and days and see what day you were born on
To save you having to do the math, we’ve created this handy free online teaching salary calculator to help you figure out how much you can make teaching English online in a month: Caveat: This blog post doesn’t cover salary ranges for online college instructors (around $1,500 USD for...
How much does it cost to have a baby? The answer depends on many factors, including where you live, whether you'll pay for childcare, and which baby products you choose. Still, this Baby Costs Calculator can help you get a sense of how much you're likely to spend during your baby's...
How do you calculate tithes? And is there a "right" amount to tithe? Use this free calculator to find out how much you should give to your church.
Calculate and Track your High School or College GPA Using this Free GPA Calculator for Excel® and Google Sheets Have you ever wondered "How much will my GPA change if I get a B instead of an A," or something like that? With the Vertex42™GPA Calculatorspreadsheet, you can do that...
European time How to calculate hours between times? This simple online tool makes it easy to calculate the difference in hours and minutes between two given times. To calculate the hours and minutes contained in a time period you need to know its beginning and end. The hours calculator will ...
Muddy or overgrown patches of lawn can also take longer to mow or work around. Use ourgrass seed calculatorto estimate how much seed is required to fill in these areas with grass or oursod calculatorto estimate sod needed. Average Lawn Mowing Time ...
Once you have measured the space, it’s time tocalculate the volume. Multiply the length times the width to find the area of the space. If the landscape bed is complex, then split it up into manageable sections and measure each separately or use anarea calculator. ...
Sticking with an 8% capitalization rate, the mathematical question becomes: $60,000 equals 8% of how much? In mathematical terms, “how much” is X. So, using your eighth-grade algebra (with modern help in the form of a calculator) to determine the value of X, start by multiplying $...