too. “Ding Dong the pitcher’s dead…” played in parody in Tessa’s head. She and Bill had registered for different pitcher. But her mother-in-law had given them this one, instead.
A merino wool blend, even if it’s thin and simple, is fantastic. But definitely make sure you have something on your extremities to keep you warm because as long as your head, feet, and hands are warm, that’ll really help you insulate the rest of your body. In the winter, a scar...
If you are trying to get out of debt, begin by stopping your spending.That step alone will make a big difference. If you want to lose weight, stop eating so much. It’s interesting that in both of these areas you begin by stopping something. If you are trying to clean your home, y...
Who do you know who will hold your feet to the fire? Someone who will encourage you and offer up the occasional 'atta boy' when you've stretched beyond your comfort zone? Success is a beautiful thing – even the small successes - and accountability could be the key!
(Managing Editor's Note: Below is the 7 part series in full for you to share, FB, Tweet. Thank you.) By Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill 1. The Wrong Narrative. Polio is the iconic epidemic, its conquest one of medicine’s heroic...
In any case, I can’t imagine that an illusionist could actually do a full show “in the round”. Not even David Copperfield. Maybe Criss Angel does. Somebody check on Criss Angel. I would, but my mind is too freaked. Standing next to Charles was a much younger woman who could have...
“I bet you can’t handle this thing. You’re much to small and delicate to be able to fight with it.” Suddenly, the crowd of teenage boys cheered as Ronald held his disarmed opponent’s sword high in the air. The training instructor clapped his hands loudly. ...