How much do you pay each month in late fees on your bills because you can’t find them, your checkbook or even a stamp to mail them? Who is taking care of your home? Often, we think that the solution to our debt problem is for both spouses to work outside the home. At times we...
They hang in the closet just inside the door. -We keep bed linens in the bedroom, either in a drawer or on the shelf in the closet. And I really think you only need two sets of sheets per bed. -Right now our entryway closet only can hold coats, jackets, recycling, and snow ...
compressed air is ignited in a combustion chamber. The hot exhaust is forced over a turbine that spins to mechanically drive a shaft. This power can then be used to spin electrical generators.Diesel-electricengines work much the same way, yet use a direct...
I have a box in the master bedroom closet for donations but I do have a lot of stuff that I try to sell, and sometimes that is difficult to keep under control since my apartment is on the smallish side. If I haven't sold it after a while I try to put it into the donation box...
CFMorCubicFeet perMinuteis a unit for airflow we use in HVAC calculation. Most commonly, we need to calculate CFM for a room for fans, air purifiers, air conditioners, and so on. Example of a question LearnMetrics’s received:We have a 300 square foot standard bedroom. How much CFM sh...
Double-wides also allow for much more flexibility when it comes to room layouts. However, the typical room allotment is: 3 Bedrooms 2 to 3 bathrooms (an ensuite for the primary bedroom and one or two additional bathrooms shared by the other rooms) ...
This gives the house a chic, modern look. There’s also a cavity space behind this initial wall that cleverly enables water that penetrates the wood to drain naturally while also allowing adequate airflow for evaporation. An overhang bedroom design at the rear, expands space in a smart way...
As always, I would certainly much like a pinhead format for the jr bedroom to be reserved (for personal privacy and also versatility), so its a pity that this one here doesn’t include that. The first thing you’ll discover when you leave the exclusive lift, is that you have your extr...
Heather and I are fascinated with the idea of living off the grid in a much simpler, much less “distracting” environment. It’s not just to get away from the noise of the city busses and semis that whiz by just 30′ from our master bedroom window, or the random stranger passing at...
Perhaps you’re adding a workout room on a lower level and need a way to get to that area from the master bedroom. Have you built a deck and need quick access to another level? Consider the advantages of a spiral staircase. It takes less space than a conventional stair and can be a...