How Banks Make Money – The Truth Fees, fees, and more fees.In 2023, banks made almost$6bnin overdraft fees alone – that’s about the same as the annualGDP of Montenegro. How does this work? Well, if you’re using a debit card and accidentally buy something for more money than you...
Traveling in the off-season is a great way to save money on your trip. Prices for everything - accommodation, transportation, and tours - are generally lower outside of the peak tourist season. Plus, as an added bonus, you can enjoy many destinations with much lower crowds. There are som...
Booking tours from your hotel is expensive. We’ve gone outside, hailed a taxi ortuk-tukand asked them how much to be hired for the day. You’ll have way more fun sightseeing locally than from behind the glass of a tour bus. Or you can go downtown and find a local travel agent a...
Montenegro and North Macedonia were the last two countries to join in 2017 and 2020 respectively [source: NATO]. When the founding members drafted the original treaty, there were disagreements on how many countries should join. The United Kingdom wanted to keep the NATO small and strong, but ...
Here's how to lower your tax rate legally and save money. Here are legal options to consider to protect as much of your wealth as possible.
Funding for the U.N. comes from the member nations. The General Assembly is in charge of ratifying a budget and deciding how much money each nation will pay into the system. Money gets divided into three areas: The normal U.N. operating budget The peacekeeping budget Voluntary contributions,...
These companies usually target larger markets andfocus on a differentiation strategythat reaches a much wider scale. This may include things such as: new technological innovation superior product quality functionality and durability the way a brand image is marketed ...
Backpacking EUROPE: How Much Will it Cost? ByNatasha Alden January 1, 2023 Getting ready for a grand trip to backpack through Europe? Europe was our first backpacking trip together, and it’s a fantastic place to travel when you’re young (or old!) Doesn’t matter – it’s a great pl...
Bookings for Eurostar open up to 11 months ahead, the Paris-Barcelona TGVs open up to 4 months ahead, longer over the summer. Spanish AVE trains between 1 & 9 months ahead, it varies as Renfe releases dates in blocks pretty much when it feels like it. By all means book London-Barcelon...
It depends how you want to spend your money, but in my experience, $100 is more than enough. When traveling in Southern Europe, we rarely spend that much even as two people. What is the best travel blog? For European content, and especially Greece, Dave's Travel Pages has been providin...