Beyond picking out the right color for your wall or accent pillows for your sofa, the interior design price encompasses so much more! The role of professional interior designers is to do the following: Take and pass strict certification programs ...
Most of us are neither minimalists nor hoarders. Somewhere in the middle is a sweet spot of loving to live with beautiful things and loving breathing space in the rooms of our homes. How much open space (designers call this negative space) we have in our homes is very personal. Space pr...
Neat idea and too much work. I use a folded flat sheet , then place the folded bottom sheet on top on one end, then the two pillow cases on top of that, and then bring the free end up to cover and make a nice packet. Then stacked on linen closet shelf. When ready to use ...
How much of a direct effect diet has on sleep is still unclear. It's safe to say, though, that a balanced, varied diet full of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat protein sources can help your body function optimally and help ward off chronic conditions such as heart dise...
are things in the world that can hurt them. Your job for the next ten years or so is to help your child understand the difference between a real danger (accepting a ride from a stranger) and something that just feels like one (the "witch" in the space between the wall and the be...
04.How can I mount a TV in a bedroom without taking up too much space? Consider wall-mounting options to save space, ensuring the TV is positioned at eye level for comfortable viewing from the bed. 05.Are there energy-efficient TVs suitable for a bedroom?
How Much Does It Cost to Add a Screened-In Deck or Porch to Your House? Your Workspace Should Not Be As Dark As a Cave Many peoplelooking for a new homeprioritize natural light, and in the northern hemisphere, southern exposure is the brightest. When setting up your home for WFH succes...
In the days of building theGreat Wall of China, people just rammed some earth and called it a day. Walls either stood the test of time, or they didn't. These days, we know more about the properties of soils. Rammed earth requires a soil mixture, but it shouldn't have too much clay...
Whether you’re moving in with a significant other or on your own may affect your decision to rent a studio versus a one bedroom. Studios don’t allow for much personal space, which isn’t a problem if you’re the only person living there. Couples who also like alone time may need...
from the porch or from a taxi. Nest learns your behaviors and automatically adjusts its settings for maximum efficiency and comfort. It will tell you how much energy you're using, remind you to change your filters, and even alter its functions to account for the differences between, say, ...