While protein is an important part of any diet, more isn’t always better. As it turns out, most folks are already eating adequate amounts of this muscle-building nutrient. So how much protein do you really need in a day —and how do you get it? Here's what you need to know about...
Most of us know how vital it is to get complete, high quality protein in our diets every day, but knowing how much protein is enough protein to keep our bodies functioning in a healthy way might not be as obvious. One of the basic building blocks of our bodies, protein is used to bu...
Proteins are primarily derived from sources such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, yogurt, legumes, tofu, and soy. With a rising demand for protein, many food products, from bagels and pasta to cereals, are now fortified with protein. However, these fortified products aren't especially r...
In short, everyone—especially kids—needs protein in their diet in order to grow and develop. But it's possible to overdo it on protein. Here is your guide for how much protein a toddler needs, plus recommendations for protein-rich foods to include in their diet. 7 Best Protein Foods fo...
While you know protein is a great thing to have, you might also have a few questions. Like, why exactly does your body need it? How much protein do you need to eat, and when should you eat it? And how does your activity level factor into that? Here’s a rundown of what protein...
Just because a food is protein-rich doesn’t mean it’s healthy. Instead of judging a food solely in terms of how much protein it contains, consider the whole package and what it delivers in terms of nutrition and flavor, opting mostly for food that’s minimally processed and lower in sa...
Over the past gazillion years, it has been one of the most beat-to-death questions: How much protein do I need to build muscle? Most male teenagers and adults – and now females in the iron game – fervently seek the answer. The conventional view naturally leads to the notion that consu...
You need to start measuring how much protein you need in a day because there are a lot of goals that you might have where your diet is concerned. If you are trying to change your lifestyle, you can start eating a different kind of protein. You also need to remember that you can use...
Egg protein is great. But when it comes to how much protein is in an egg, the reality is, it's still much lower than these 26 other high-protein superfoods.
How Much Protein Do You Need Per Day? You might not be as competitive an athlete as the folks above, but you're probably still wondering about the right amount of protein for you. Advertisement Protein consumption starts with your body weight: The Institute of Medicine's recommended dietary ...