"If you're really deficient, it needs to be monitored pretty closely," Dr. DeVita says. Part of the reason is to avoid a potassium overload, or hyperkalemia, which can have equally dangerous consequences. Then the underlying causes need to be addressed. This could mean discontinuing a diuret...
Cocoa powder and chocolate used for bakingare the most dangerous, containing 14 mg of theobromine per gram. It can take as little as ½ an ounce of these types of chocolate to cause severe poisoning and death, and cats who eat less may still suffer from poisoning. Next up is semisweet ...
Thawing the entire turkey takes a lot of time. And you need to do it right to avoid bacteria built up. Did you know that accumulation of histamine on the meat can be dangerous? And how about the lack of freshness? Instead, you can opt tobuy either whole boneless turkey breast or butte...
The dangerous classification and pictographs of Sodium Metabisulfite provides valuable visual clues for its potential hazards. Harm classification is classified to Sodium Metabisulfite based on the harm of physical, healthy and environmental, so that people can clearly understand the specific danger it co...
Mineral water: Mineral water is spring water that has at least 250 parts per million (ppm) of total dissolved solids (TDS) in it. These "dissolved solids" are minerals like calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium, and they must be present in the water at the source, not added later. ...
What type of compound is sodium bicarbonate? How many cups of sodium bicarbonate in a pound? What is the molecular weight of sodium bicarbonate? Does sodium bicarbonate contain salt? Is sodium bicarbonate an ionic compound? Does sodium bicarbonate lower potassium?
By the 18th century, these weapons had fallen out of favor: They weren't especially useful in the battle style of the time, and the simple design made them extremely dangerous. The weapon saw a resurgence in the 20th century with the development of new modes of combat. In the trench...
Corrosion of Al alloys is both costly and dangerous7,8,9. Three factors deserve particular attention in that context. First, Al alloys are increasingly exposed to harsh environmental conditions for which they had originally not been designed. Second, alloys are becoming ever stronger and chemically...
While the residue isn't dangerous, getting rid of hard water buildup can definitely feel like a chore. Our tips and tricks show you how to remove hard water stains in showers, toilets, sinks, and bathtubs – and keep surfaces clean for good. SKIP TO: Common Ingredients to Remove Water...
When there are dandelions in your yard, it’s usually because your soil is trying to tell you something. Dandelions prefer soil that’s low in calcium, high in potassium, and high in acidity. While weeds have a tendency to pop up everywhere, there are certain conditions in which specific ...