To figure outhow much is 150 mL in cups, you can use a simple conversion formula for general conversions. We know: 1 US cup = 236.6 milliliters Therefore, here is our conversion ratio for cups to milliliters: (X cups)*236.6 = Y milliliters ...
How much pure water must be mixed with 8 pints of 90% developer to produce a mixture that is 17% developer? How much pure water must be mixed with 6 pints of 80% developer to produce a mixture that is 21% developer? How many mL will the nurse administer? Ordered: Am...
The US legal cup is slightly larger than the standard US cup, as it measures out 240mL instead of 8oz or 237mL. This size can be helpful when measuring large amounts of ingredients such as flour or sugar. Knowing how many tablespoons are in a US Legal Cup can also help make sure th...
A stone is how many pounds? 750 grams is equivalent to how many pounds? How is the conversion set up? When converting pounds to kilograms (50 lbs / 2.2046), how does one divide this without a calculator? Convert 7000 pounds to tons What does 70 ml/kg mean? 8 oz equal how many lbs...
To find out how many teaspoons in an 1/8 cup, the conversion factor is 48. In other words, to get 1/8 cup to tsp, simply multiply the cups by 48. 1/8 of a cup also equals 2 tablespoons or 1 fluid ounce (fl oz). Learn more about how much is 1/8 cup with the conversion ...
A pound is a unit of weight measurement in the Imperial system. How much is a pound? 1 pound is equal to 16 ounces or 453.6 grams or 0.45359 kilograms. It is most commonly used in the United States but is also used in other countries around the world, such as the UK and Canada. ...
Have you ever wondered how much caffeine is packed in that energy drink you chug down every day? Have you ever felt jittery, panicky or just plain weird after pounding down your favorite drink and wonder what is wrong? Well, you might be surprised to lea
Calculate How Much Water To Drink In A Day It is important to drink the right amount for your weight. The simple formula is your weight in pounds÷2 = water amount in ounces (oz).For example, if you weigh 190 pounds÷2 = 80 oz (2.2 litres) per day. ...
smaller sizes available, like our 7.5-oz. mini soda cans of Coca‑Cola calorie information on the front of our bottles and cans Many of our beverages contain sugar, which has calories. While sugar is fine in moderation, too much of it isn’t good for anyone. Having too many calories,...
Caffeine in Coffee Depends on a Number of Factors Have you ever wondered precisely how much caffeine is in that cup of coffee or espresso you are