How Oil Drilling Works In 2008 alone, the United States produced an estimated 4.9 million barrels of crude oil per day and imported 9.8 million barrels per day from other countries [source:U.S. Energy Information Administration]. This oil gets refined intogasoline, kerosene, heating oil and oth...
Oil: Fuel oil is also transported by truck, is pumped into a storage tank either inside or outside the house, and is piped to the appliances where it is needed. Fuel oil is billed by the gallon as well. So that's how energy arrives at your house and how it is billed. What happens...
What Is a Landfill? Getting Approval to Build a Landfill Parts of a Landfill How Landfills Operate How Much Trash Does the U.S. Generate? Of the 292.4 million tons (265.3 million metric tons) per year of trash that the U.S. generated in 2018, the most recent year for which data...
Photo: Why does the world use so much oil? There are now about a billion petroleum-powered cars on the planet and, as this chart shows, even the most energy-efficient model here burns through at least 6.1 barrels (256 US gallons) of petroleum in a year. Drawn using energy impact ...
We can go back even earlier in the process to nail down how oil is made, but that’ll take a much longer explanation. To summarize, crude oil is the byproduct of a bunch of organic material exposed to heat and compression over millions of years. It’s what’s referred to as a fossi...
As the world enters 2025, the critical issue we are facing is Peak Crude Oil, relative to population. Crude oil has fallen from as much as .46 gallons per person, which was quite common before the pandemic, to close to .42 gallons per person recently (Figure 1). Figure 1. World crude...
Most of us don't think much about where our electricity comes from, only that it's available and plentiful. Electricity generated by burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas, emits carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides -- gases scientists believe contribute to climate...
Falling water is one such energy source, and, in fact, the first major plant ever built took advantage of the enormous kinetic energy delivered by Niagara Falls. George Westinghouse opened that plant in 1895, but the principles of its operation haven't changed much since then. First, ...
What Is a Landfill? Getting Approval to Build a Landfill Parts of a Landfill How Landfills Operate How Much Trash Does the U.S. Generate? Of the 292.4 million tons (265.3 million metric tons) per year of trash that the U.S. generated in 2018, the most recent year for which data...
drill bit reaches the reservoir, a productive oil or gas well can be constructed and the hydrocarbons can be pumped to the surface. When the drilling activity does not find commercially viable quantities of hydrocarbons, the well is classified as adry hole, which is typically plugged and ...