How does the cyclotron shoot a neutron into U-238? How much mass must be converted to generate 71.0 GeV of energy? How much helium does the Large Hadron Collider use? What fundamental particles make up protons and neutrons? How many subatomic particles are in gold?
How many neutrons does element x have if it's atomic number is 42 and it's mass number is 154? How many neutrons are found in an isotope of Carbon-14? How many neutrons does element X have if its atomic number is 43 and its mass number is 161? A certain atom has an atomic...
Neutron stars are the remnants of massive stars that collapsed at the end of their lifetimes, compressing more than a Sun’s worth of mass into a dense ball of neutrons just 20 kilometres or so across. Occasionally, neutron stars orbit each other in pairs, or binaries. If their orbit is ...
How much more straightforward can something get? It turns out that there are many different things you can do with two pieces of glass, and these things can have a big effect on you when you use the lenses. As you will see in this article, there really is a difference between the ...
And how much space does it take to hold 1.3 million Earths? And while we’re at it: How does the sun emit energy? Did the sun kick-start life on Earth (and the rest of our solar system)? Does the sun rotate? Why does the sun send out solar flares? Will the burn out? (And ...
The periodic table of elements includes 118 individual types of atoms (that is, elements), all of which have a unique number of protons and electrons and a similar number of neutrons. But just how tiny is this infinitesimally small entity? Is there a way to relate thesize of an atomto ...
For example, carbon atoms always have six protons; hydrogen atoms always have one; and oxygen atoms always have eight. Different versions of the same element, called isotopes, can have a different number of neutrons. Elements can also gain or lose electrons to become charged, in which case ...
The protons and neutrons in the nucleus are held together very tightly. Normally the nucleus does not change. But some of the outer electrons are held very loosely. They can move from one atom to another. An atom that loses electrons has more positive charges (protons) than negative charge...
How much energy does a particle accelerator use? How big is a subatomic particle? What is emitted in alpha decay? The number of nucleons is determined by ? Why are protons and neutrons also known as nucleons? What happens to the neutron-proton ratio in alpha decay? How do protons change...
They are approximately the same mass but have different charges. Protons are positively charged while neutrons have a neutral charge. The third particle is the electron. This particle orbits the nucleus of the atom and carries a negative charge....