How Many Moons of Saturn Have You Seen?David Knisely
题目 How many more moons does Saturn have than Earth? 答案 土星拥有的卫星比地球多几个?相关推荐 1How many more moons does Saturn have than Earth?反馈 收藏
Saturn’s moons are grouped based on their size, orbits, and proximity to Saturn. The innermost moons and regular moons all have small orbital inclinations and eccentricities and prograde orbits. Meanwhile, the irregular moons in the outermost regions have orbital radii of millions of kilometers, ...
Starting with Earth, of course, we all know it has only one moon. It is also the only moon where humans have set foot. Our neighbor—Mars—where Elon Musk is likely totake usin the future (hopefully!) has two moons:PhobosandDeimos. They are dark and lumpy and much smaller than our ...
Today,saturn'smoons 是寻找外星生命的热门 Arethehottestpropertyinthesearchforalienlife. 如果要我选择太阳系中 Ifthere'soneplaceinthesolarsystem 最有可能存在生命的地方 Iwouldputabetthatlifeexiststhererightnow, 我选择土星 Iwouldchoosesaturn. 在土星最大卫星上 ...
What is the mass of the planet Saturn? How large are the Hubble Telescope's optics? How big is the Hubble Telescope's lens? How big is a protostar? What are the dimensions of the space shuttle? How much smaller is Venus than the sun?
thoseplanetsaremoons. 很多很多的卫星,总数超过300 Lotsandlotsofmoons, morethan300ofthem. 每一颗各有特色 Eachoneisdifferent. 每一颗自成一个世界 Eachoneaworldallitsown. 我们望出太阳系,可见到大批行星 Well,whenwelookoutonoursolar system,weseealotofplanets. ...
When it comes to searching for places beyond Earth where life could thrive in our solar system, some of the most intriguing targets aren’t planets but rather moons. From Jupiter’s icy moonslike Europato Saturn’s moon Enceladus, these places are thought to host liquid water oceans beneath ...
are near Enceladus' southern pole, average around 130 kilometers (81 miles) long and are spaced roughly 35 kilometers (22 miles) apart. They were first observed in 2005 by NASA's unmanned Cassini spacecraft that has orbited Saturn and its moons since 2004. Cassini data have strongly ...