A Super Musical, which is exactly what it sounds like: a parody of the beloved game series, told through song. But there's so much more to it than that. The musical is full of cheeky references, unexpected takes on well-known characters, and a surprising twist on...
Generation stars Detective Pikachu's Justice Smith and The Goonies' Martha Plimpton, alongside a host of newcomers including Chase Sui Wonders, Chloe East, Haley Sanchez, Lukita Maxwell, and Uly Schlesinger. Each episode focuses on an individual student, giving us their unique perspective on everyth...
One wonders where the money comes from? Their CEO is the English Jew Sir Marten Sorrell. He also works on behalf of Michael Bloomberg the alleged arch enemy of the NRA. It now looks like the NRA has been completely co-opted and is trying to whip its members into war fever so they ...
Raid Bosses at Pokémon Go Pikachu Outbreak Yokohama included: Pikachu (Tier 4) Houndoom (Tier 4) Wobuffet (Tier 4) Piloswine (Tier 4) Usaring (Tier 4) Dragonite (Tier 4) What's a Raid Pass? A Raid Pass is like a ticket to a Raid. There are two kinds so far, and you get eac...