how it is ah-ho-tai how? haash yit’éego · haasha · hait’óa· háátáo how is it ha’át’áo, ha’át’éego how big around globular thing is it? haa níłtsogo nimaz + 53个词组 例子 Advanced filtering SubcorpusALLGENERALBOOKSNEWSMEDICINERELIGIONTECHNICALLAWINFORMAL ...
@ Juan – You definitely can run out of money at 4%. That 90% rate of success you quote is only good for 30 years and using US historic rates of return that have not been replicated across much of the rest of the developed world. The UK ‘safe’ withdrawal rate equivalent was 3.77...
One of the most popular customer questions that app developers have to deal with sounds as “how much does it cost to develop an app for business?” This question is also among the most confusing ones, as it’s hard to give a simple answer to it. The problem is that, on average, th...
Pretty much everything maps onto the Rumba controller, using a somewhat complex wiring harness. Soldering should keep me busy for two hours or so, hopefully tomorrow. the thermistor is 200k, but which one? I would like to get the curve right. (4338K beta value? 204GT-1? ATC Semitec?)...
August is not a busy month for sales. We try to encourage the team to take their foot off the gas in August, and not start new projects, but finish off things from earlier in the year, such as little bits of administration that don't get done when we're all planning our next big...
Canadians shouldn’t be viewed as “targets” – Military initiative to aim propaganda at public is shut down Polls Show People Aren’t Buying Establishment B.S. – #PropagandaWatch COVID-19 is rapidly changing: Examining public perceptions and behaviors in response to this evolving pandemic ...
Another incidental cost is automation. There are many ways you can implement little bits of automation, whether it's automatic cross-posting or reposting, or scheduling. Often, the services (like, Zapier, or IFTTT) that provide the automation charge money. ...
Ryan: Well we treated Amazon like a channel and I mentioned that word before channel and what I mean by that is where do buyers already hang out, where they already spending money on whatever product or service that you are delivering. And every channel is a little bit different in the ...
I took advantage of 0% Balance Transfer arbitrage and other opportunities to earn extra bits of money. I have maxed out my retirement contributions every year that I have been working. I married someone who spends within her means We only use insurance to cover catastophic events, and self ...
We spend most of our money building a releasable product (the first copy, if you will) but can sell additional copies at almost no cost. All software economics are about scale – selling thousands of copies of the identical bits – to get past break-even and reach absurd levels of profita...