If the exchange rate is 1.19 USD per Euro, how many Dollars would I have if I exchange 410.40 (Euros)? A bank converts U.S. dollars into European euros at a rate of $1 for 0.88 euros. Kelsey wants 100 euros for her trip...
is not a good-faith act. You're clearly fishing for suckers.There are some other murky terms used in describing these bullion-like shiny objects. "HGE", for "heavy gold electroplate", for instance, which is a term that exists in the jewelry market, but not so much in the bullion one...
Is one dollar is equivalet to 1,000 units of another currency, how much is 32 million dollars worth in that currency? The exchange rate gives the value of one country's money in terms of another country's money. Recently, 1.587 U....
They have become the favorite playground of some hedge funds that can with – for them – relatively small amounts of money drive up the price by thousands of percent. But how do hedge funds get the real currency out of it – the money that they need to distribute to their clients? The...