Rep. Horsford on how the Biden campaign can reach Black voters June 2, 202410:24 UP NEXT Rev. Freeman Palmer: 'All people are worthy of being affirmed' 10:24 Jemele Hill: What the NFL does is often not in line with who they present themselves to be ...
As with the presidential campaign, so much cash went into the Pennsylvania race that, in the end, spending by each side may have canceled each other out. Trump’s win in the state might have also helped tip the neck-and-neck Senate race the Republican’s way. (It’s ...
cities and the wars in Ukraine and Israel. “This is a magnificent country and it’s so sad to see where it’s gone,” he said Tuesday night. “We’re going to straighten it out.” Biden: A post-pandemic chance at traditional campaigning Biden’s campaign has hired lea...
How Hunter Biden's conviction could impact Joe Biden's presidential campaign ABC News’ Deputy Political Director Averi Harper and ABC White House Correspondent MaryAlice Parks take a closer look at Donald Trump's verdict this week. June 15, 2024 ...
Joe Biden’s bid for the presidency is unfolding in what must be considered a most unusual environment. Many of his statements have been made over the internet and from his basement, as the United States remains largely preoccupied with the crisis caused by the corona virus. Under these circum...
Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that Bernie Sanders hasfailed to offered a satisfactory...Lovelace, Ryan
The Biden administration has emphasized in recent weeks the threat that homegrown, violent individuals, including white supremacists, present to the country. Department of Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas told lawmakers this month that domestic violent extremism is the ...
The conviction also gives the Biden campaign a potentially potent new weapon in their arsenal: the ability to label Trump a convicted felon. Mr. Biden remained largely silent about the Trump trial while it was ongoing, but NBC Newsreportedlast week that he planned to become more aggressive abou...
Billions in clean energy investment was set aside in the2022 climate law, themost significant climate change legislationever signed. But the key to protecting that funding is making sure the money is spent, or allocated, before Inauguration Day, Jan. 20. ...
President Joe Biden is racing to spend money to green the economy, outcompete China and fix crumbling roadways in hopes voters reward him in November.