The purpose of this research was to explore the processes by which pediatric neurosurgeons make intraoperative decisions when they encounter something unexpected or uncertain while they are operating. Methods The study used the grounded theory method of data collection and analysis. Twenty-six pediatric...
How much do economists make in Canada? The average pay for an Economist is$134,403 a year and $65 an hourin Canada. The average salary range for an Economist is between $93,113 and $167,359. On average, a Master's Degree is the highest level of education for an Economist. Is it ...
The other counterargument I would have included is that we do make more as students/residents/fellows than our civilian counterparts. If you include HPSP stipend, scholarship value, and pay differential in residency, on a 4 year HPSP it makes things a little better, but not much. As you ...
Founded in 2019, Savoir média is a Canadian-based nonprofit organization, primarily supported by Quebec’s Ministry of Higher Education. The organization produces and broadcasts a diverse HOW VITAS HEALTHCARE STREAMS THE IMPACT OF HOSPICE VITAS Healthcare is the largest single-source provider of end...
But that’s the only time. Don’t listen to your speech therapist. You’re deep into mental images of expired salmon when you call your friend Stephanie, a neurosurgeon, on the phone. Some TBI patients don’t have the capacity to map out the future or plan in advance, both of which ...
For instance, you can write something like this: “Could I ever imagine that an accidental meeting with an orphan made me decide to become a neurosurgeon to have the power to save someone’s life?” Intriguing introduction, isn’t it? Handling Sensitive or Controversial Topics in a Personal ...
Which means that if you wait, you’ll likely be stuck paying full price. Why do that when you’ve got a chance right now to get it for less than everyone else? It's doubtful I will EVER make up any of these bonus bundles again. ...
I think everything is possible. And I think if something is done by one person, it can be done by others. I started to think, if the boy could survive without breathing for that long, there must be a way that I could do it. So, I met with a top neurosurgeon. And I asked him...
If you look around at most professions, it’s the most specialized people that make the most money. For example, a family doctor makes a good income, but a neurosurgeon most certainly commands more money because he or she is a specialized doctor who has “mastered” the skill...
students as their children. The parents provide a nurturing environment for their children who will eventually go on to do great things. The parents are proud whenever the children accomplish anything noteworthy. (And if the children make it big, they might give some money back to their parents...