The king does not love me for having too much bush, he prefers to plant fields that are not grassy. And like a true Beaver he rides asses” + Chichi-man This expression comes from the Jamaican Creole and has spread throughout the Caribbean, and from there to France especially through imm...
In To Kill a Mockingbird, how many kids does Tom Robinson have? How old was Jane Austen's mother when she died? How many books did Harriet Beecher Stowe write? How many sons does Zeus have? How many grandchildren did Ray Bradbury have?
How much does the Taj Mahal weigh? How big was the Tui Tonga Empire? How wide is the Sydney Opera House? How long is the London Tower Bridge? How tall were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? How tall are the sarsen stones of Stonehenge?
Thank you so much 🙂 Reply Anthony Metivier says: March 17, 2022 at 4:37 pm Thanks for your kind words and checking out this post. I’m not sure, but I believe the Greek formulation is this: 1 = B, p, w 2 = C, k, z 3 = F, v 4 = G 5 = L 6 = M 7 = N 8 ...
And so as a result, one of the reasons Christians were growing so much faster than their pagan neighbors is because they were having lots of kids. So even if you were not able to convert a single soul, if you could raise Christian kids, you’re still bumping those numbers up, ...
To much shade! I think I will transplant it this fall at my daughter’s home. I will be moving out of state by then. So I’d rather she have it. I will also have 2 HUGE Hydrengeas & 1 Azalia bush. All 3 of these are gorgeous plants! Your article was spot on for me…...
The best athletes don't pop from the head of Zeus fully formed. They have amazing coaches along the way that help them refine their practice. As an author, you need great writing coaches too, and you are writing at the perfect time. Never before have you had so much access to great ...
The friend was not my boyfriend at that time, and even if he was, I still would not have climbed with him into his sleeping bag. The next two days was not much better. To my horror we marched 15 miles a day, to get to the next overnight huts in time. No time to stop and ...
It's no secret that New Yorkers drink a lot of beer. With an abundance of available breweries, and more and more popping up each year, there are always plenty of options for your next drink. But how much beer does the state actually produce in a given year? How much when compared to...
Does the Statue of Liberty get struck by lightning? Is the Statue of Liberty in the Atlantic Ocean? Did the Statue of Liberty have a real flame? How did they move the Statue of Liberty? Is the Statue of Liberty based on a real person? How much does the Eiffel Tower weigh? Does the...