What limits the value of the superconducting transition temperature (Tc) is a question of great fundamental and practical importance. Various heuristic upper bounds on Tc have been proposed, expressed as fractions of the Fermi temperature, TF, the zero-t
I'm also interested in hearing any progress you make on teaching using PySimpleGUI. It's very much part of the vision I've got for PySimpleGUI, especially as I move into the mobile space. Not every kid around the world can afford a hardware kit to learn to program, but they've all...
The height of each label is fixed. There’s not much offset to add except maybe moving them down half their height. Any label at the bottom (i.e., whenyis 100%), however, could use additional space above it for breathing room. And guess what… We’re Done! See the Pen [Radar cha...
and is also an important carrier for landsenses ecology to evaluate human settlements. Tarsitano et al. [63] analyzed the role of the project “Green days in the Park of Lama Balice” in spreading sustainable development culture, improving people's environmental awareness...
From my experience, on some laptops the backlight lamp will not light up until the video cable is connected to the LCD screen. In this case you’ll have to assemble the LCD screen and then test it. Tony Virnoche Where id you get the lamp and how much??? cj2600...
To remotely control my Windows machines, I always prefer to useRDP(Remote Desktop Protocol) as it performs much nicer thanVNC(Virtual Network Computing). VNC has this streak of “JPEG” quality and slow behavior, whereas RDP is fast and crystal clear. ...
This is an issue that is worth thoroughly pondering. However, there is still a lack of research on killer content of social commerce platforms in the existing literature. Thus, we need to compare traditional e-commerce platforms with social commerce in order to find the advantages of social ...
The self is involved with a web of normative relationships with society and implicated in socially constructed understandings of what is right, wrong and worth living for. Related to this idea, identity in modernity is argued to be an evolving process of 'becoming' as opposed to 'being' (...
WASP-interacting protein (WIP): Working in polymerisation and much more. Trends Cell Biol. 2007, 17, 555–562. 106. Moreau, V.; Frischknecht, F.; Reckmann, I.; Vincentelli, R.; Rabut, G.; Stewart, D.; Way, M. A complex of N-WASP and WIP integrates signalling cascades that lead...
One approach to building a monolithic power plant is to eliminate as much heat dissipation from different components or (in the case of the high-grade quality of this waste heat) to transmit this thermal heat to valuable by-products. By materializing such an idea, the energy conversion ...