How much do you pay each month in late fees on your bills because you can’t find them, your checkbook or even a stamp to mail them? Who is taking care of your home? Often, we think that the solution to our debt problem is for both spouses to work outside the home. At times we...
Well she sure got that one right. I never heard anyone talk about their lawn unless it was to complain how much work it was. And then she said the thing I wrote down once I got home. I still write it on the first page of all my calendars when the new year___, and glue a ...
I can’t tell you how much your life resonates with mine. Its so hard at the moment. My mind plays over everything I have done for my 2 daughters and trying to understand why they seem to disregard me so. I am 60 but feel as if I am done; tired and want to run away whilst ...
A pound of weed is a whole lot of weed, more than you’re likely to smoke alone. But how many ounces are in a pound of weed? And how much is a pound of weed in grams? Learn some marijuana math here.
It’s a good thing to have around your house in case of an emergency whether you’re making tinctures or not. When it comes to making tinctures with high-proof alcohol, fire is your worst enemy! Weed to Alcohol Ratios There is quite a bit of opinion on how much weed/alcohol to use...
Regular mulching will help improve all these soil types and give you much stronger, healthier plants - with the added benefit of reducing weed growth! Different types of mulch There are many different organic mulches available, the best ones will form a dense cover holding in water and gradually...
Recommended: 5 best LED grow lights for growing weed. 2. Overwatering (watering too often or too much at a time) Many of us were brought up thinking that plants need sunshine and water every day. This gets combined with a new grower’s “thirst” to provide for their plants (see what...
The estimated cost to start ranges from $20,000 to $40,000. The cost is dependent on whether or not suitable land and equipment to plant and harvest are already owned. How Much is an Acre of Sunflowers Worth? That depends on the seed yield per acre. In North Dakota, the seed yield ...
One participant reported that the separation made the return to "real people" in "real situations" that much more difficult: When I'm with people who are using and having sex I'm having the best time. But if I have to go out in public, and either high or under the influence, yeah...
This requirement is different from continuous residency and physical presence requirements (see below). This criteria aims to weed out those who don't have meaningful connections with the state and community in which they seek citizenship.