Veneers Dental Bridge All-on-4 Bone Graft Tooth Filling Teeth Whitening Sinus Lift Hollywood Smile Root Canal Treatment Teeth Cleaning Crowns See All Dentistry Procedures LASIK Eye Surgery Cataract Surgery Smile Eye Surgery PRK Eye Surgery Corneal Transplant Strabismus Treatment Artificial Corneal Transpla...
Composite veneers cost approximately $350 to $1500 per tooth. Dental Crowns If your tooth cannot be restored by bonding or veneers, you may need a dental crown. A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that restores a decayed, broken, weak or worn-down tooth. This will likely take two ...
Watch how dentists create and install tooth veneers and crownsJennifer LeeShira Polan
Gum Surgery –If the patient is suitable a surgical approach can be taken to restore these triangles, learn about the revolutionary pinhole technique used for how to fix black triangles between teeth here. Crowns/ Veneers –A more traditional and expensive approach. Orthodontic treatment –If suitab...
A dental technician is a dental health professional who focuses on creating dental appliances from moulds and impressions of patients' mouths and teeth. They're vital to the tooth, gum and jaw health of patients who need mouth guards for sports or sleeping, veneers to protect damaged teeth and...
Many patients that don't have the right bite get porcelain veneers to help their smile. The sad part is that healthy teeth were drilled down for veneers and they do not correct bites. The jawline is not optimized as it would be with JawTrac® Technology. The teeth are drilled away wit...
A prosthodontist is a replacement specialist trained to restore and replace damaged teeth. These professionals are skilled in dental procedures such as porcelain veneers, bridge repairs, crowns, dental implants, and reconstructive dentistry. If you need teeth repair or to...