Our inspiration for an urban flooding mean-flow theory is taken from how complex systems are approached in statistical mechanics. Urban forms epitomize a complex system much akin to granular media15, disordered porous solids16, glassy systems17, and complex fluids18, to name only a few. When vi...
“So, my search for a story, when I get impatient, is not so much looking for a topic or subject…as casting about in my head for a stranger.” Maybe this is all a clearing. Maybe this is all of us washing it all out to find a new way of existing in this world together. May...
Look, I'll put it this way. If you're hiring and you've done a crap job before, which we all have, every business is going to need those great people and a better way to find them. If you are hiring and you've done a great job, you know how much time it's taken to post...
is that a computer program to implement a machine learning algorithm in JAVA might be much more complicated to develop and maintain. The amount of MATLAB software required to write a machine learning algorithm is typically quite small relative to the amount of software which would be used ...
I can’t relax, because if I detach myself for one second everything I’m trying so hard to keep on top of will pretty much fall apart and I feel like those are more important than my well-being. Logically I know this is bullshit but whenever I try to take a breather, I always ...
Hello World Project (iris flowers). This is a quick pass through the project steps without much tuning or optimizing on a dataset that is widely used as the hello world of machine learning (more on theiris flowers dataset). Binary Classification end-to-end. Work through each step on a bin...
One common question in SwiftUI app development is how to work with Core Data to save data permanently in the Simon Ng SwiftUI Working with String Catalogs for App Localization in iOS 17 With the release of Xcode 15, Apple introduced an exciting feature called String Catalogs. This feature aims...
The social pillar has not received as much attention as the other two dimensions—ecological and economic [1,82–87]. Therefore, it is important to explore the role of organizations that organize the sustainability projects in shaping the balance between the pillars [88,89]. Nevertheless, social...
Our approach uses the ANOVA decomposition directly and so keeps the training process much simpler. All of the above methods are stand-alone algorithms rather than explaining predictions made by pre-trained black boxes. This is also the case for sparse additive models (SAM) [15], where the ...