We wanted to see how much are Pokemon Cards worth on eBay. For those who don’t know what eBay is, it’s one of the biggest e-commerce companies in the world. It allows for both consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer models to operate. There are many different types of products...
My favorite Pokemon is Torterra. Why ? Well, the first Pokemon game I played was Pearl, which Turtwig is a starter in. Look at this cutie I guess it became my favorite Pokemon because it's litteraly the first I ever got and played with. Plus I played the whole game with it,...
if all the player's Pokémon have fainted while in the overworld the game won't instantly warp them back to a safe location. Instead, it is up to the Trainer to get away from that situation as quickly as possible without any Pokémon. This is whereArceus...
I usually go through with a team of six, but for SS I decided to mix it up and go through with a smaller team without using legendaries for the challenge and because you don't have to grind as much with a smaller team. When plaing in-game I don't care about natures/EVs/IVs becau...