You likely need at least a 640 score or higher, though some lenders may go as low as 580. The higher your credit score, the better interest rate you can get. Debt-to-income ratio (DTI): Your DTI indicates how much of your income is taken up by debt. Generally, you will need a...
I put money into529 accountsfor them each year and invest it aggressively. But it isn't that much money. Utah gives me a tax break on $3680 per year, so that's what I put in there. There will probably be enough to cover tuition plus a little more at the local universities, but t...
He described the distribution of colleges and universities in socially and economically connected collections of counties, referred to as commuting zones. He found that, much like food deserts, where it is difficult to easily access healthy food options (see, for example, Walker et al. 2010), ...