Carefully weigh the pros and cons that come with being a real estate agent. While the potential income may seem limitless, in tough times for the housing market you may need additional funds to fall back on. Success in the industry is also dependent on your willingness to become a market e...
Finding out why sharks socialize — and how much of their behavior is cooperative — is a challenge, but there are some clues, such as food availability and warmer waters. Great white sharks, are showing up in record numbers along southern California beaches as the population has doubled since...
come exam time. For example, if you are a student in Michigan and get a job offer for a firm in Chicago, you can schedule your exam in Illinois. That’s the cool thing about Prometric. You don’t have to take the exam in your home state or the state that you are planning to get...
The next step is to send in your application. For universities in New Zealand, this happens through the university’s own application portal. Be sure to find the portal as soon as you know where you’d like to study and start your application so that if you run into any problems, ...
Pet insurance is more expensive for dogs than cats. NAPHIA’s State of the Industry Report found that the average pet health insurance premium for an accident-and-illness policy for dogs is $56.30 per month. But cat owners pay an average of $31.94 per month, based on the report. ...
” the most upvoted answer was: Not doing CPE and making too much money to care. Although we hope you do make lots of money, losing your license over something as easy as getting CPE units isn’t something we want to see happen. In my experience as a CPA exam tutor and expert, I ...
The required real estate pre-licensing education is essential for the vast majority of applicants. Without it you would have a very difficult time passing the real estate exam to get a license. After the pre-licensing real estate course is complete you should receive a certificate of completion...
I won $11,000 lawsuit against a bank by using your course. I was amazed how easy it is to understand! It gave me confidence. The bank's case was dismissed with prejudice! Thank you for making a great course. I got back much more than the cost. I got back my dignity! God bless ...
The Multistate Bar section is around 200 questions. This part of the exam is administered over 6 hours on two dates per year. These dates are the last Wednesday in February, and the last Wednesday in July. The Multistate Essay Exam consists of 6 30-minute questions. ...
I won $11,000 lawsuit against a bank by using your course. I was amazed how easy it is to understand! It gave me confidence. The bank's case was dismissed with prejudice! Thank you for making a great course. I got back much more than the cost. I got back my dignity! God bless ...