读经的艺术(How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 戈登‧费依(Gordon D. Fee)加拿大温哥华维真学院(Regent College)的新约教授。他也是著名的新国际新约注释系列的总编辑。 道格乐思‧史督华(Douglas Stuart)美国满山秋色州哥顿.康威尔神学院(GordonConwell Theological...
How to Read the Bible for All Its WorthAbout The BookPoetry
How Much Is Clutter Costing You?Living with clutter can have serious financial and emotional costs many of us might not have considered. Here are some thoughts about the cost of clutter and ideas about how to get it under control. How Much Is Clutter Costing You? We live in a society of...
Air (fresh air with a slight breeze is best) Grow Medium (place to grow, soil isn’t your only choice) Temperature (room temperature or a little warmer is perfect during the day, cannot stand freezing at night) Nutrients (start at half as much as what’s recommended on the package) Wa...
money). How much is your “immortal” soul worth? PhysicalBoundaries Physical boundaries provide a barrier between your“self”andwhat it perceives to bean intruding force, like a Band-Aid protects a wound fromabrasion. Physical boundaries includecontrol overyour body,itssense of personal space,it...
Does God Exist?: And 51 Other Compelling Questions About God and the Bible Do you ever find yourself stumped by questions about God, questions that sound like this...If God is good, why is there evil? How can a loving God send people to hell? And who made God anyway? Or maybe you...
When it comes to getting more out of the Bible, how to understand the Bible for all it’s worth, how to read the Bible and gain a fuller and holistic understanding of Scripture, I think these suggestions can be very helpful. They’ve certainly helped me understand the Bible more effective...
Overall, it is a good contest and worth entering, especially if you have a serious hit on your hands. Don’t get discouraged if your entry doesn’t make it too far – there are just so many entrants! 5. John Lennon Songwriting Contest The John Lennon Songwriting Contest is an internation...
As you walk through the gallery, you will see tapestries on the right-hand side dedicated to stories of the life of the Barberini Pope Urban VIII (17th century). On the left-hand side, are stories from the Bible whose original drawings were executed by the school of Raphael, ...