the CCSP is focused on security, while CompTIA's is focused on people new to the industry. These directed certifications might or might not apply to seasoned professionals, but they still do have a place in the overall certification framework. ...
Much of today’s essential infrastructure is connected to the Internet, which makes it vulnerable to cyber attacks. Cyber security engineers in this field work to guarantee the safety of the electricity grid, water purification systems, traffic lights, shopping centers, and hospitals. ...
Juice – How much safety effort is enough?MikeWilliamsenPh.D.CCSP
PVDM– Packet Voice Digital Signal Module pretty much does everything noted above that the NM-2V does. It is just this is on board the 2811 router when you insert one of these modules on the main board. VIC's are Voice Interface Cards supporting analogue connections for: FXO (to the lo...
Knowing how much this field has evolved will let you get an idea of how much scope is there. Since the beginning of software development, when there was no web or mobile programming, the role of full-stack developers has been present. In the early 80s, most of the software developers ...