Although many potential errors are accounted for in our explanations, knowing where these exercises come from is half the battle of understanding how to fuzz because it will provide a foundation for fuzzing much more complex programs, such as flight controller software. If you want to spend more...
And so Congress needs to do something about that. And I think that has driven inflation as much as anything. And quite honestly, you can say the same thing about many of the other sectors that are out there. We tend to think that bigger is better. I don’t. I think that the more ...
Barak: That’s a very good question. I was very confident about trying to get into this market but it was not always easy to onboard everyone with the idea. Wehad so much success with social casino, it is hard to justify creating a second vertical. For me, it was very good to see...
While much of the disability and inequality literature focuses on stratification between disabled and nondisabled people, a growing body of research takes an intersectional approach. Much of this work focuses on the intersection of gender and disability. Studies show, for example, that disabled women...
Limiting the impact of climate change will require shifts in what we eat, how much we waste, and how we farm and use our land. There is no clear path to fully eliminating agricultural emissions. Nonetheless, a wave of transformation is within reach of the food industry and the broader ...
actually worth a look we're testing gadgets that keep showing up in our feeds. here are the ones that deserve the hype—and would make awesome presents. brenda stolyar our favorite smartwatches do much more than just tell time these wired-tested wearables reduce your reliance on a phone ...
HOFFMAN: The stark change in legacy from slave to son of a doctor was not lost on Franklin, or his siblings. LEONARD: We had a lot of advantages. We didn’t want for much. And because of that, it was very clear to us that to whom much is given much is expected, right? Like,...
These specific types of social activists, Right or Left, are not motivated to contribute to any conversation in a healthy way but are engineering abusiness model of outrage. The core engine of this model is to create as much outrage as possible to then position themselves as the hero fighting...
36 minutes : 47 seconds another reminder of just how rich tech ceos really are and techies dominate the top 10. man saving money csa-printstock save save wealth inequality in the us is stark. but just how much more the haves have is still striking to behold. and techies in particular ...
there are models that reinforce the notion that this imposed change will trigger an intense feeling of loss akin to that we go through when we’ve lost a loved one. Given the levels of engagement in most workplaces, I doubt that people care that much about changes in the workplace. We’...