‘I fear those Black Riders, and I am sure it is unsafe to stay in one place long, especially in a place to which it is known I was going. Also Gildor advised me not to wait. But I should very much like to see Gandalf. I could see that even Gildor was disturbed when he heard...
If you are not much for wearing makeup and simply want a quick, natural look to get through whatever it is that's inspiring you to wear makeup, you can skip these two products. Highlighters and bronzers are most often used to contour, a makeup technique used to change how the shape ...
I haven’t seen nearly as much interesting work come out of these, but they’ve got potential as well. One of AI Dungeon’s most interesting features was a custom story system, which let people start a session with a world, characters, and an initial scenario and then turn it loose ...
transmiuiog a given theme or inter- action of themes,' and five years later added 'That is to say that theme is the deep structure of fommla'.9 The point can stand today even if for some time I have been inclined to think that "deep" theme is not so very far from "surface" ...
Ian Redmond, OBE and conservationist (BBC & Discovery Channel), helped to share the lesson with Alderton Junior School and saw just how much the children took from the class. He said that the children’s knowledge from Planet Zoo was truly visible in the classroom. “It...
A cadence that almost 'walks it' in the same place without moving it forward much at all- the lure basically flops back and forth. Now to accomplish this 'walk the dog' pattern, or the hop pattern for that matter, you must have a lot of slack in your line so you can give a ...
To the average player, much as with its Dark Souls predecessors, Elden Ring is no more than a very difficult fantasy game that allows you to roam around getting utterly trounced by enemies in the name of enjoyment. Players are there to kill bosses and conquer lands. And that certainly is ...
Play around with how much tin foil you use. If your piece of foil is smaller, you’ll have a smaller hat. If your piece is bigger, you’ll have a bigger hat. 2 Fold the piece of foil in half widthwise. Bring the left end of the foil over to the right, matching up the edges ...