GRSGamma Rho Sigma(fraternity) GRSGuaranteed Rental Scheme(various locations) GRSGuilford Rail System GRSGerman Radar Symposium GRSGroupe Révolution Socialiste(French: Socialist Revolution Group, Martinique) GRSGeneralized Reed-Solomon(coding scheme) ...
Al Gore spent much of his time as vice president "reinventing government" but, as you may recall, was denied a chance to carry the initiative into a new century. REINVENTION IN MODERATION Like Bill Clinton, a figure with whom he is both implicitly and explicitly linked throughout the book,...
From a technical point of view, this does not seem to make too much of a difference, because to every predicate \(\varphi (x)\) there corresponds a unique class abstract \(\{x\mid \varphi (x)\}\). The class abstract can therefore serve as some form of Gödel code for the ...