Lead is cheaper than copper and tin, it therefore reduces the cost of the alloy much more significantly for cast objects than for hammered objects (the addition of lead being in any case not possible for the latter due to the technical constraint). From the 13th century onwards, cast ...
Q. I would like to know how much lead or zinc should be added to a mixture to make the Bronze? Cyrus C [last name deleted for privacy by Editor] - Akron, Ohio 2005 publicly reply to Cyrus C Q. I'm 13 and my dad & I are going to make bronze and I don't know what is righ...
Jackson remaining on the roster would make Joe ill, along with many other Bucs fans. Is he really needed? Joe will have more on that tomorrow. NFL Network reported Arianswants to open his armsto Jackson and talk to him about staying in pewter and red. After punching a wa...