As much as the scenario sounds intense, it can often get out of control. Since the game revolves around football, which can be controlled by a car, many people showcase their rash driving skills. But overall, the game promises to be thrilling. Rocket League is a new experience, where the...
Bored waiting for video games to download on your console? Try these top tips to speed up downloads on your PS5, PS4, Xbox and PC devices.
How to speed flip in Rocket League A speed flip is a movement tool that is the best way to not only gain speed, but also maintain momentum and reposition around the field much faster than simply boosting, doing a regular flip, and far faster than regular driving. However, it does require...
Since the PS5 is a much more powerful device compared to its predecessors, it can run certain PS4 games much better than before. Many PS4 games perform even better on PS5 with the use of Game Boost. These are games that need to be manually updated by developers to take advantage of the...
2.How To Connect Your Epic Account To PS4/PS5 And Switch Fortnite - How To Link Your Epic Account To Switch And PS4/PS5 This process is going to be super simple or a little bit complicated depending on one factor: whether or not you have an Epic Account. You see, when pl...
A Rocket League clear is, put simply, a clearance. When an opponent has a shot on goal and you yeet the ball as far away as you can, it counts as a clear. A clear is not to be confused with a save, however. While the two are fundamentally similar, the difference comes from how...
No matter if your esports site is for news, funny content, or betting, you need to make sure that you are authentic as can be. Nobody can smell poser as much as esports fans and gamers. Study the way that gamers talk to each other online and especially keep track of the latest lin...
Epic Games’ hit battle royale Fortnite is known for its high-profile crossover skins as much as its fast-paced gunfights, but they can be quite expensive to buy especially when it’s a well-known character like Wonder Woman or Doctor Doom. So naturally, any chance to get free skins is...
scoring a goal off the top of the arena is unlike anything any other game could accomplish. A perfectly timed boost to steal the ball from the opponent team, the soaring through the air for defense, or just flexing your skins in the arena. There's so much to enjoy inRocket League. ...
Modding is an insanely popular activity in the gaming community. Although some might prefer to play games how they were designed by the developer, there’s no doubt that mods can keep things fun and interesting. How do you think Skyrim has managed to stay so relevant all these years? I be...