I guess because its an older game too it doesn't require as much bandwidth to run it. You may also increase your rendering memory and cache sizes with this update: http://allr6.com/discuss/viewtopic.php?id=91 which helped a few people. You may join us on comms at www.r6chat.com ...
input_size, &input_size); printf("After size: %ld \n",input_size); printf("Encoded Data is: %s \n",encoded_data); size_t decode_size = strlen(encoded_data); printf("Output size: %ld \n",decode_size); unsigned char * decoded_data = base...
Of course, the process of determining tax levies, and each property owner's share of the tab, is much more complex than just setting a levy and then a rate. Assessments, appeals of assess- ments, tax exemptions, the complex state "equal- izer," collections and enforcement all play a ...
If fluorine-free air conditioning is a product of greenwashing, how much does this impact on your trust (1 means no impact, and 5 means the greatest impact): 1 2 3 4 5 6. If LED bulbs are a product of greenwashing, how much does this impact on your trust (1 means no impact, and...