Besides, even sharing photos over email or WhatsApp sometimes compresses the images too much. Sometimes, there's a size limit to sharing on specific platforms, so compression becomes a must. For example, you might see the error message: "image is overly compressed. Please use a compression r...
(PS: I am creeping towards trying white jeans; so far, I have got as far as ‘stone’!) Reply Stephen Reply to Adam 1 year ago Hi Simon and Adam, Adam our clothing journey appears very similar and I completely agree with your comments. I too have sold much of my older wardrobe...
an essential attribute when you are working with nearly impossible deadlines. Furthermore, it was clear to me that much of the code written by robotics and navigation experts would be in various dialects of Basic. I could easily convert this code to Visual Basic® .NET and present it back...
The first step is to determine what the watch needs and how much it will cost. If you want something that looks authentic but doesn’t cost much, you’re better off going for an analog watch with an acrylic case and leather strap. If you want something more luxurious and expensive, it...
We often hear about link-building strategies without too much information provided regarding what they are and how they work. The most important thing to remember as you pursue link-building is that quality is much more important than quantity. The only way to get real, high-quality links back...
What are the essential elements to embedding a purpose narrative into your company? Hunt and Simpson have found that embedding organizational purpose in these five elements (referred to as the “five Ps”) is critical to embedding purpose in a company, and the...
It is an essential way for testing NGINX configuration: nginx -t -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf; An external tool for analyse NGINX configuration is gixy: gixy /etc/nginx/nginx.conf Monitoring GoAccess Paths configuration file: /etc/goaccess.conf /etc/goaccess/goaccess.conf /usr/local/etc/go...
It is not official document. This is rather a collection of rules, notes and papers, best practices and recommendations used by me (also in production environments but not only). Many of these refer to external resources. I've never found one guide that covers the most important things about...
So, unless you are the target brand in the search query, you cannot expect much returns on your investments. 3. Transactional Customer Intent Transactional intent is when a person is at the end of the conversion funnel and wants to complete an action. It can be making a purchase, signing ...
The key is to find influencers that relate to your product and align with your brand values. Don’t be afraid to start with smaller partnerships with nano and micro-influencers. Interestingly enough, often their engagement rates and conversions are much higher than the ones with massive follower...