The veteran head of Princeton’s endowment frequently found himself navigating gaggles of venture and private equity players who hoped the university might give them money to invest, becoming their limited partner, or LP. But at a 2010 happy hour for VCs in Cambridge, Mass., Golden recalls, “...
Public opinion is shaped in significant part by online content, spread via social media and curated algorithmically. The current online ecosystem has been designed predominantly to capture user attention rather than to promote deliberate cognition and autonomous choice; information overload, finely tuned ...
Harvard University's fabled endowment and Princeton University's astonishing number of alumni donors are held over us and we reach for excuses: "They are decades ahead of us - we have too much basic groundwork to do"; or "Americans are innately more philanthropic than the British". So ...
architecture must also recognize the debates on race and gender. These can no longer be neglected in course curriculums. So in my first year, one of my priorities was to search for women and men like me: black architects and urban planners who are as recognized as much as...
人性的弱点(英文版)HowtoWinFriendsandInfluencePeople..doc,EIGHT THINGS THIS BOOK WILL HELP YOU ACHIEVE 1. Get out of a mental rut, think new thoughts, acquire new visions, discover new ambitions. 2. Make friends quickly and easily. 3. Increase your popula
policy implements is time 0. In before-policy periods, the differences between the groups are smaller. In after-policy periods,Inventionof the treatment group starts to be much higher than the control group, whileNon-Inventionof the treatment group starts to be much lower than the control group...
Princeton graduates, "[A] meritocracy is a system in which the people who are the luckiest in their health and genetic endowment; luckiest in terms of family support, encouragement, and, probably, income; luckiest in their educational and career opportunities; and luckiest in so many other ways...
igniting a national uproar that nearly cost him his job; last fall brought the departure of Jack Meyer, the head of Harvard Management Co., which oversees the school's endowment but had inflamed some in the community because of the multimillion-dollar salaries it pays some of its managers.Th...
have a fashion company that grows very quickly, becomes internationalized and then to sell it with a marked up price, either to a strategic investor or, if they missed out on this, if they pumped too much money into it, then by floating on the stock exchange. That is the business model...
By applying robust control, the decision maker wants to make good decisions when his model is only a good approximation of the true one. Such decisions are