It’s customary to pair wine with meals that will complement the food they’re eating. For example, a red wine such as Chianti is often paired with meat dishes, while a white wine such as Pinot Grigio is often paired with fish dishes. Italy is one of the world’s leading producers of...
Pinot Grigio 2021 灰皮諾白酒 產區:California 葡萄品種:100% Pinot Grigio 釀製與陳年: 採用加州種植的優質葡萄釀製而成。在12 °C下冷發酵,並在不銹鋼槽中陳釀,保持葡萄酒的細緻香氣、清爽的果香及清脆的酸度。 明亮的金黃色澤,充滿柑橘和新鮮熱帶水果風味,一年四季伴隨的夏日感覺。適合搭配清脆的蔬菜沙拉、鮮...
’” he says. “It’s more, ‘This isn’t going to be the last one of these disasters. Should I buy some more bottles from this winery—not to make money off of it, but because I love them and don’t know how much longer they will be around...
but too much water can cause issues. However, grapevines are tolerant of a great number of soil types. Limestone-rich or clay-rich soils, sandy soils, or silty ones can change the flavor of your eventual fruit. This is actually desirable amongst many winemakers, as they can achieve certain...
One night, when the two years were up, Mr. Hassard held a celebration. While the kids were at a slumber party, he cooked himself his favorite meal -- bacon-wrapped chicken, green-bean casserole and garlic toast -- and opened a bottle of Pinot Grigio. ...
co-owner and wine director of Los Angeles’s Vintage Wine + Eats and Buvette LA.“Wine can have a beginning, a middle and an end with a long finish, and with a beverage that’s so complex and so much on its own, to pair it with a dish like nachos, you’re really cranking the...
Consider the stunning visual effect of a stark white label against a dark glass bottle of Pinot Noir, or a deep crimson label on a bottle of rosé. 5. Typography The fontyou choose for your custom wine label conveys just as much meaning as the actual label information. Typography plays an...
Then, work outward from there until the board is full. Diversify the colors on your board as much as possible. Drape each piece of charcuterie individually on the board. This way guests won’t struggle with pulling them apart. Roll or fold meats like prosciutto to make them more visually ...
How long to cook crab legs in the oven remains pretty much the same. The only variable is the difference in oven temperatures, so make sure you check it at the earlier mark. You just want them warmed through. How to Grill King Crab Legs Prepare your grill for direct cooking. Heat it...
This white wine is pretty much one-size-fits-all. If you’re new to the delicious world of wine and cheese, start with a riesling. You can’t go wrong. This German wine is flowery and aromatic with fairly high acidity, making it taste fresh and crisp. Jeanette swears by having a bot...