public pensionnational budgethousehold behaviorfinancial planningThis paper presents long term projections of the cost of public pensions in Australia, taking into account behavioural effects. I assume retirees make financialdoi:10.2139/ssrn.2251566Jie Ding...
MichaelMICHAELBloombergMICHAELCarlMICHAELPopeMICHAELWileyJournal of Applied Corporate FinanceCheung, J. (2014), "How we invest", Guardians of the New Zealand Superannuation, White Paper, September 2014.
That said, small businesses have the advantage of being able to act much more quickly when they need to, compared to larger companies. "The smaller companies typically just don't have the resources, and so this is where you as their accountant, their trusted adviser, come i...
Slack Investor is not really much of a cold season traveller but he is here in the UK for some family business. England in winter is pretty grim with short days and cold weather. However, there is joy in slipping into a great English pub with a fire going and conversation everywhere. Ex...
If you’re starting a small business and don’t need to raise much money, then being a sole trader could be your best option. This is because it’s relatively easy and cheap to set up as a sole trader, and you have complete control over your business. ...
SMFSelf Managed superannuation Fund SMFStandardized Monitoring Framework SMFSoftware Maintenance Facility SMFStudent Master File SMFSpatial Matched Filter SMFSolstice Music Festival(New York, New York) SMFSouthern Museum of Flight SMFSecte des Magiciens Fous(French: Cult of the Mad Magicians; gaming club...
The maximum out-of-pocket is there to protect the consumer, making sure that what the insurance provider is asking them to pay is not too much. Usually, if the premium is high, the out-of-pocket limit is low. What Is Coinsurance?
I have so much work it's not funny. "Fruit & Vegetables as Medicine" is selling better now than when I first started selling it 2 ½ years ago - I can't believe it. And my new product "The Wealth Educator" is doing so well, I've made over $10,000 profit - that's profit,...
Much of the gig economy literature focuses on Millenniums – a Bain report has found that Generation Y employees are “increasingly sceptical about corporate career paths” and are looking more and more to online marketplaces to find work. In reality, independent work is not dominated by ...
GSFGovernment Superannuation Fund(New Zealand) GSFGraduate School Fellowship(various schools) GSFGoldman Sachs Foundation GSFGrove Street Families(gaming, GTA: San Andreas) GSFGarage Sale Find GSFGreen Street Family GSFGame Show Facts(website)