Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Mojca Maticic Clinic for Infectious Diseases and Febrile Illnesses, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Mojca Maticic, J. Cernosa, C. Loboda & J. Tamse Correlation-European Harm Reduction Network, Amsterdam, The ...
We believe that the organoids-on-a-chip systems will eventually support the application of islet organoids in the new era of personalized and precise medicine in the near future.Availability of data and materials Not applicable.References Wang Y, Lo JF, Mendoza-Elias JE, Adewola AF, Harvat ...
CCMCommunications in Contemporary Mathematics CCMCapital Children's Museum(Washington, DC) CCMCarbon Concentrating Mechanism CCMCommission Centrale des Marchés(French: Central Markets Committee; various locations) CCMConsortium for Conservation Medicine
Thank you very much :) Cris Ribeiro “Turn off your cellphones”…”She switched on the TV”…yep, that sounds right! engVid Moderator Thank you Rebecca. marciagomes27 thaaaaaank you ,,, i wish you talk about Medicine__^ marhud would...
The pace of exome and genome sequencing is accelerating, with the identification of many new disease-causing mutations in research settings, and it is likely that whole exome or genome sequencing could have a major impact in the clinical arena in the rel
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): Much of the research on bloating and stomach distension has been completed in the context of IBS. Interestingly, research shows excessive intestinal gas may not contribute much to bloating and abdominal distension in IBS patients, rather it could be a hypersensitivity...
With a focus on coding and building, the one-hour workshop targeting teens and adults is as much about building robots as it is about teaching the participants how to programme them. To make their robots stronger, each team must programme the main processor, the sensor and the motors. ...
Hajj is a test: not so much a physical one, but a test of patience, Taqwa, and Emaan. From the time you make the intention to perform it, different aspects of the test will arise. Learn and use these two phrases when anything testing comes up: “Al hamdul’Illah ‘ala kully haal...
Also other customs and rituals that we are ought to perform, yet haven’t been able to adhere to because of this crisis, that is not with a bad feeling because I was not allowed to do them. The first command is much more important than all others.” Although respondents recognized this...
(Patricks et al.2020). With the presence of PR, such expectations are surrounded with much uncertainty that brings down the expectations and thus yield to a higher level of satisfaction when the expectations are met in the post-purchase stage (Bernarto and Purwanto2022). The psychological need...