We scraped over 1000 Pokemon cards that have recently been sold on eBay using ourweb scraping tooland we found out a few things. We wanted to see how much are Pokemon Cards worth on eBay. For those who don’t know whateBayis, it’s one of the biggest e-commerce companies in the wor...
The complete message is either “Verification Required – Before you can make purchases, you must tap Continue to verify your payment info.” or “Verification Required. Tap Continue and sign in to view billing information.” if you see this message on an iPhone or iPad when trying to downloa...
Occasionally, the Pokémon Center will drop a surprise Giant Poké Plush, with options like Spheal, Slowpoke, Altaria, and Lucario having popped up in the past. Availability and sizes for these giant plushies vary, and they can be pricey, though there aren’t many better gifts for a big Pok...
most of the Battle Pass for season 2 is focused on unlocking clothes for the trainer character. The only other Pokemon costume available in this Battle Pass is the Space Style Lucario, which acts as the opening
Thank you very much Adrian!!! for the nice tutorial!!! As a starter, I really enjoy your tutorial with kind explanation for every line of code. I have a question that may sound stupid but I was told there’s no stupid question, so I’m going to ask 🙂 ...