The proportion of resident adults is what we measure directly – our sample is designed to be representative of resident adults, and all quota and weighting variables are based on this (electoral registers have not been used as a sampling frame for many years). The second figure is the one ...
much of Europe, inflation marched to the next threshold, and often well beyond, over 70% of the time.3 The lesson we should take from this is not that inflation is destined to move to new highs in the months ahead (after all, nearly 30% of the time, it is, in fact, cresting...
In response to the higher costs associated with attracting and retaining the non-clinical workforce in certain parts of the country, the MFF is focused on restoring equilibrium in staffing costs between health plans in high living cost areas, particularly London and the South East of England, ...
Community that has limited amount of members was able to solve common pool problem, which was imminently present in case of manor's wood, where group size using the same pool was much larger. In large groups the community management failed, because the net benefits from cooperation were small...
This unit had significant losses on trades related to complex derivatives (called the London Whale trades at the time), which JPMorgan asserted were designed to guard against systemic risk. When revelations of the losses became public, and people wanted to know who JPMorgan's regulator was, ...
This outcome may also suggest that using a detailed collection of income components to cal- culate the total household income (vs. a single question) does not affect data accuracy very much. The higher the satisfaction with the household income is, the lower the magnitude of under-reporting. ...
Not even considering the value of my labor, that is a lot of money. I would have been much better off by renting You Have to Live Somewhere But you have to live somewhere. Better to buy yourself a little home equity instead of throwing away your money on rent and paying somebody else...
The latter would lead to different sample sizes in the two contexts because the self-assessment concerning biodiversity and bees is lower than that concerning climate change and peatlands. However, in the present study, weighting the estimations through certainty seems to be the best method for ...