A new documentary titled “Spacey Unmasked,” about former Hollywood actor Kevin Spacey is out now. The series features details of new and past allegations against the former Oscar winner that have taken the internet by storm. The documentary first aired ...
It is the place where the Declaration of Independence was signed, where Benjamin Franklin presided, and where, as late as the 1930s, the "Main Line" was a very rich social set that had reliable bonds to the founding fathers. Philadelphia meant High Society, if you remember the musical re...
Brian Cox weighs in on letting Kevin Spacey get back to work and reuniting with Jeremy Strong after an awkward critique 12/16/2024 by Steve Seigh JoBlo.com Whoopi Goldberg “It really hasn’t moved on that much since”: MCU Reportedly Sacrificing Upcoming Marvel Movie To Push Mahershala Ali...
Kevin Spacey’s speech captured the important transition that media companies had to go through if they wanted to survive the next wave of media, empowered by the Web. This speech is worth reading at it all because it opened up the way to the Netflix that we know today, and it created...
Family Guy is unafraid to make controversial jokes, which is why the show often seems ahead of its time. As you surely saw, following the MANY sexual
This is Ryan Bingham, who plays tender-hearted Walker onYellowstone. He's a known singer/songwriter who provided so much of the great music for the Jeff Bridges movieCrazy Heart(2009). He's not the only one from the franchise to work alongside Bridges, however. Gil Birmingham starred with...
The film begins with Glinda (the Good Witch of the North) recounting their relationship as Elphaba (or The Wicked Witch of the West) has just died to much celebration. Whether viewers are familiar with the novels, the 1939 film, or the stage version, the rich history is well-combined. ...
What portions does it suggest and how much servings should you take? How it manages blood pressure? We will also look into other health benefits of the DASH diet. WHAT IS DASH? DASH is the abbreviation for “Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension”. As the name describes, the DASH diet ...
As much horror as we have always created, we are a species that keeps moving forward, seeing new sights in new ways, and enjoying the journey. —Martha Beck 3 The great thing about living in New York is the constant change of things. It inspires me to keep moving, push forward, questi...
Much of that physical work is done underground at the Getty Conservation Institute, where experts develop methods to protect and preserve materials, including mosaics. Additionally, the Getty Research Institute has since 1980 invited historians and researchers to do their work in its library, which co...