?How much energy is required to raise the temperature of one kilogram (liter) of water 1c? How many moles of dihydrogen monoxide are contained in one gallon? An average family of four uses roughly 1200 liters (about 300 gallons) of water daily. How much depth would a lake lose per day...
This technology uses hydrogen gas to create electricity. The electricity is then converted to mechanical energy in an electric motor to get the car, truck, bus, boat or any other form of transport run by an engine moving. The only emission from the cell is water, pure H2O, clean enough ...
These filtering processes can achieve a similar level of purity to bottled purified drinking water, but filtering is much cheaper and doesn't have the negative environmental effects of bottling. Brita reports that its most expensive filtering setup produces purified water at about 18 cents a gallon...
is created as a byproduct of natural gas and petroleum refinement. The other reliable method of collecting hydrogen fuel is through electrolysis, which entails energizing fresh water and separating it into base components: hydrogen and oxygen. The downside to electrolysis is that it requires a ...
Using a white cloth or tissue, first blot away as much of the stain as you can, before treating the fabric. ✦ Makeup stains respond well to alcohol-based solvents. Try applying rubbing alcohol or hand sanitiser to the back of the stain, and blot away with a cotton ball until the st...
You'll know this much if you've ever heard the horror stories of people who've filled up their car or truck with the wrong sort of fuel! Essentially, diesel is a lower-grade, less-refined product of petroleum made from heavier hydrocarbons (molecules built from more carbon and hydrogen ...
A $0.50 per gallon credit is available fornatural gas, liquefied hydrogen, propane, P-Series fuel, liquid fuel derived from coal through the Fischer-Tropsch process, and compressed orliquefied gasderived from biomass.1For propane and natural gas sold, the tax credit is based on the gasoline ga...
A gas refrigerator usesammoniaas the coolant, and water, ammonia and hydrogen gas to create a continuous cycle for the ammonia. The refrigerator has five main parts: Generator- creates ammonia gas Separator- separates the ammonia gas from water ...
These days, electric cars driven by batteries seem destined to rule our roads, while hydrogen cars—once toasted as the vehicle of the future—are rare and relatively unheralded. Fuel cells actually have lots of advantages over the competition, including better miles per gallon and faster refueling...
Much Love, ~ Dr. Z & Mama Z How to Be Healthy Non-Toxic Products by Category We’ve come a long way in our toxic-free, healthy home makeover. We encourage you to choose your most pressing category, focusing on one thing at a time. Soon, you’ll have your own toxic-free, healthy...